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Inspired by a true experience at Koh Lanta National Park in Thailand.

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Inspired by a true experience at Koh Lanta National Park in Thailand.
That was so funny!
This was a really funny comic about the monkey.
I was a little nervous with the skittering little devils in Kathmandu. Glad everything turned out OK and no rabies. I JUST discovered this blog and it’s really driving me crazy now as I probably have 5 years before I can leave the US behind for Thailand! Well, I’ll just have to take a couple of weeks vacation and check it out before 2015!
Thanks for a WONDERFUL, informative, inspirational and FUNNY site. I especially enjoy the good-natured digs at Simon as I’m a drifter who isn’t anywhere near completing this journey or figuring out what I’m supposed to be doing – must be my only-child nature to want it all? lol…
Take care and THANKS for helping me decide the nomad life is NOT too crazy or beyond my reach.
(somewhere near Boston on my houseboat under 2 feet of snow and -20F with the wind chill)
We were on Monkey Island in Halong Bay, Vietnam, and my boyfriend made the mistake of offering a monkey the Oreo half without the cream… it chased him down the beach!
Hilarious! Well, not that you got attacked by a monkey, but the way you told the story. I’m glad you survived!
Haha, love it….those cheeky monkeys are cunning little monsters!
OMG this is amazing…
This is such a clever idea! I used to think I was the only person who had been attacked by a monkey (in India) but turns out those little guys are quite vicious. Can’t complain though-mine didn’t require any rabies shots! Glad you were able to find the injections you needed.
Learned loads about monkeys on a trip to Kenya. Nasty little so and so’s. There is a reason the locals carry sticks and they know what a tourist is. Glad you are ok.
A stick’s a good idea, though I might go with Andrew’s suggestion and get a sword.
Ah, this is brilliant! I was once attacked by a monkey in Bali. The near heart attack I had while it came charging at me was worse than the actual bite on my leg.
I’m beginning to think there is a simian conspiracy the world over. We need to watch them closely lest they make a grab for world power.
Love the comic strip format! Well done! :D
Thanks Brendan!
What a cool way of telling a story. Makes me realize that carrying a sword while traveling might be a good idea, or it might just be a sign of the normal kind of comics that I read. And monkeys seem just about as vicious as the parked cars that attack me when I am in the city. Is nowhere safe?
Rabies shots are notably painful. Hope you are doing ok.
Yes. A sword. Once airlines loosen the restrictions on carry on, that’s my next big purchase.
Shots were fine—they have a reputation but these days it’s just like being punched in the arm. Five times.
Amazing! That gave me a much needed laugh, while we’re sitting in a Uruguayan beach town…while it’s raining. Boo. Anyway, great comic! Looking forward to more.
Thanks Sam. There’s more in the works, although it’s been well over 6 months since my last one…
Funny stuff! (well, kind of). Are the shots really in the stomach like I’ve heard?
Not these days. Just a series of 5 shots spread out over a couple of months. The hardest part of the whole process was finding them (easy in Thailand, but only found the last one in Italy through pure chance!)
What an awesome cartoon! I don’t think I’ve seen a blog tale told in this format and it is so much fun! Though sorry Simon got bit by a monkey. Glad he’s okay though!
Thanks Jennifer!
Did Simon turn in to a monkey in the end???? Glad you survived! I was almost attacked by a monkey in India here last week (or at least it felt that way)
I was born in the Chinese year of the monkey, so I’ve always had a little of the Simian in me!
Now THAT is damn fine work with drawing – speaking technically here, but the progression of cute monkey to psycho-evil-tree-jumper in 2.3 seconds is the perfect rate for a post… and a fun tale. Kudos!
I think in real life it was even faster. That monkey got mean quick!
Cute comic strip :)
When I was in the Ubud Monkey Forest in Bali last year a small child was bitten by a monkey (she tried to touch it duh) and was whisked off to the nearby clinic. I mention this just so you know you’re not along ;)
Good to know that there are psycho angry attacking monkeys all over the world… ;)
Oh my, Thailand’s monkeys are crazy! Especially the ones close to beaches and other places frequented by tourists (or many people in general).
Love the illustrated story telling :)
It’s true- we blamed the tourists who’d obviously been feeding them so they came looking for stuff in our bag.
I enjoyed this. Who needs words… Hope everything turned out well in the end.
Yep, Simon got the series of 5 injections he needed and is so far rabies free :)
I was groped by a male monkey while I was climbing the stairs to Tiger Cave Temple in Krabi town. The monkey definitely knew I was the female out of our four person group. Pushed me out of my comfort zone (how does one respond to a monkey doing that? On stairs? Surrounded by other wild monkeys?). Would have never conceived relaying the incident as an illustrated tale. Great idea and execution. This was fun!
Wow! That’s quite disturbing and would probably make an interesting comic :)
Very funny (I think!) and I like the illustration very much, but not the reminder about the rabies….
Keep away from monkeys, mad dogs, weird people, scary people, armed people, people people!! :-)
Thanks mum! Don’t worry, I am never leaving this apartment again.
Most excellent Simon!! Not that the monkey won, the illustrated story :)
Cheers Peter. Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing that I couldn’t fight off a skinny 12″ high simian.
Love the comic format, it looks great! I’m going to guess that this did not in fact result in rabies? Those monkeys are daring little buggers…
Luckily Simon got the injections he needed and didn’t get rabies. Just as well as it’s pretty much fatal.